M.E.N.S. Blueprint Online Course

This is a blueprint for fathers to build emotional strength and resilience in their personal and family lives.

I’ve got just the course to take you from lost, overwhelmed, and maybe even depressed to the confident, purposeful man that your kids will happily call “Daddy”, that your partner will look at with the same look they had when you started dating, and that you will love to see in the mirror every morning.


When you get through this course, you’ll:

  • Know how to create a step-by-step plan for your own crisis, and lead your family and community with the confidence and respect you’ll earn as a man.

  • Be able to refer back to a reliable framework that lets you take control of any situation in your life to become the rock that your family can lean on without the overwhelm and burnout that usually comes with it.

  • Effortlessly attract your partner until you wonder if those rough patches were just some bad dreams.

  • Have a thriving business that you can give your full attention to without paying for it with your relationships!


✓ Self-paced

✓ Online

✓ Videos and worksheets

What You’ll Expect:

✓ Learn how to create a step-by-step plan for your own crisis, and lead your family and community with the confidence and respect you’ll earn as a man.

✓ Be able to refer back to a reliable framework that lets you take control of any situation in your life to become the rock that your family can lean on without the overwhelm and burnout that usually comes with it.

✓ Effortlessly attract your partner until you wonder if those rough patches were just some bad dreams.

✓ Have a thriving business that you can give your full attention to without paying for it with your relationships!

What People are Saying

  • I wish that many of the men or even women that this world has lost to similar conditions or even worse trying times, circumstances, situations and obstacles in life could have had an opportunity to hear or speak to you Pat Di Domenico. I believe alot of us could have been spared, healed or even received our very own closure. I don't presume to think that you have all the answers but your intentions, efforts, care and that of your organisation is truly what the world today needs and I pray for it to grow and be accessible to all!

    -K. Timmerman

  • M.E.N.S blueprint is a short course that can be completed within your own time dedicating a few hours or over multiple days which made it very convenient for my busy lifestyle. Broken down into clear modules, the host Pat shared relatable stories that made the content entertaining and engaging.

    The course has a strong focus on personal development and mindset which can be applied to any aspect of life and not just being a dad. 

    Overall, I highly recommend this course to any dad or soon to be dad who wants to improve their personal growth and become a more realistic and effective parent. Thanks Pat.

    -Jason W.

  • Love the content and the information to help me become a resilient dad. Gave me ways of looking at life and circumstances in a different way. Thanks Pat!

    -Sam Maxton

  • This is such a needed service for men. I have personally seen the stress my own brothers have had to deal with fighting for rights to see the children they love. The children suffer as well as the fathers. I will be referring men to this great support Pat is offering.

    -T. Jetson

  • Pat Di Domenico is a genuine bloke who is truly looking to help fathers on their journey better themselves and become resilient.

    -G. Musumeci

are you ready to become a resilient dad?